From far away as Jupiters sulphur mines

Posts tagged “instagram

Designing Up A Storm

I just gotta say, thanks so much for all the support with my forest paintings. Almost everyone that bought the pieces sent me photos of them hung in their living room, dining room, office, etc. Means a lot.

I’ve been designing up a storm these last few months which has put my fine art and sketching on the backburner.  I’m falling into a nice rhythm so I should be getting back to it soon.  I’ve been doing lots of logo work, banners, social media badges and icons, and food photography.

Here’s just some of the stuff I’ve been doing for Wildly Fit. I guess it’s my duty to tell you to check out some of the health and fitness services Morgan offers (the free Start Wild group is happening next week).




Site Badges/Instagram Advertising


Food Photos with Type




I started teaching in January.  Typography 1 in the Graphic Design program at Toronto Film School.  So far, I’m having a blast.  It’s pretty cool to make these assignments and then the students come back with great work that exceeds expectations.  They’re certainly pushing and inspiring me.IMG_0405Later

Progress Update

Here’s how far I am now on my stencil.


I didn’t have too much time to spend on it this past week, so I didn’t get as far as I wanted to be right now.  It’s nice being at this end of the stencil because the larger the sections I have to cut out, the less time it takes me to cut a larger space.  I’ve been watching quite a few art documentaries while I cut, so I might add a list to this blog next update.  I’ve also been doing some super quick sketches of characters I dug when I was growing up.  This is new territory for me.  I drew fan art when I was a kid, but the older I got the more I got involved in design and just working on my own ideas.


They’re super rough but if you like, follow me on my instagram and I’ll add more as I go… they’re maybe not as you remeber them, but it’s my instagram so I can do what I want.


My instagram: @Leitch